Thursday, October 16, 2014


I am grateful, in my lifetime, I was loved and adored by some of the most amazing, loving and generous men. 
I am grateful for the love each one of them has shared with me and given to me. 
I am grateful that I've experienced the love of a man who would move mountains, light up the stars, and give me the universe in his hands. It's in that sharing and giving of themselves that taught me what it is to be a woman. There was joy and yes, even heartaches that comes with loving and losing someone. I am grateful for the pain I have experienced. Without it, I would not be the woman that I've become. I am grateful for the challenges and the lessons. The memories these men have given me are the stories of my life. Every man I have loved has written a paragraph or a story in my book. I am grateful for that once in a lifetime love that will never leave my heart. I am grateful for the passion, the tears and the emotions. Too many times it felt like a thousand horses charging at the core of my heart. These loves have been the ones whose set my heart on fire. They have challenged me not just to live, but to be alive!

When I reminisce on my past romances, it puts a smile on my face and warmth in my heart to know the feeling of being a woman, genuinely loved by a man. 



“What if we didn't have stories to reflect and reminisce on? What would be the point of existing all these decades, if we do not have the stories of our journey in this beautiful life? Even when some of the chapters were not so nice. Most of us do not care to face the reality, we will all be in our seventies and older one day. Some of us sooner than most. Fact is; we will all, one day be senior citizens.
Perhaps if we're lucky, we’ll be placed in a respectable nursing home, unable to fend for our basic human needs. But who will know our stories when we're old? Who will care to hear or read our journeys, struggles and how we've survived or conquered the same struggles that a young child will have themselves?
Will we walk the path alone with several characters along the way or will we choose to have one person who will write the story of our lives with us?
Do we have a choice to choose which option to have?" Or is it based on our faith?

Monday, September 29, 2014


I write about the power of accepting yourself for who you are now, so you can hear what you need to hear to get out of your comfort zone, and your fears that you’ve called hell. 

When I write I want to know you’re comprehending what I’m really saying, not what you’ve heard in the past from false prophets and motivational quotes. 

I write so that you can pay attention to your desires and dreams and learn something new about yourself and perhaps make a conscious effort to learn something new every day so you can grow from within. 

I write because we need to come to peace with our past, failures, our insecurities no one else ever see -- so that we can move on from the self-inflicted judgements -- from our shame.  

I write about self-care and acceptance because I’ve suffered from lack of self-esteem and neglect, and not until I paid attention to what I needed instead of what I wanted, did I realize and understand who I am. 

I write about pain because I know what loss and suffering mean and how blissful happiness can feel. 

I write about faith because I’ve lost mine in the past, and I know what it is to be lost, broken and in need of redemption. 

I write about gratitude because I am thankful for all of this -- good and bad. I’m grateful for being a human being -- a woman.  


Grateful Child

Dear God
before I lay me down to sleep and rest my head in Your comfort, I want to tell you how grateful I am for the circle of women and men You have placed in my life. 

You have blessed me abundantly with these beautiful and amazing children and beautiful loving friends. You have bestowed upon me so much knowledge and love through them. 

My dear sweet Lord, thank you for the blessings You have surrounded me with.
Grateful child I am of yours for loving me so much.



Oh dear Godlet it rain. 
Break this heat. 
Cool this fire burning on my skin. 
Let me breathe again.

Oh dear God, let it rain. 
Let the winds blow on my hair. 
Let me see that fierce lightning in the sky. 
Let the thunder roar. 
Drench me with your tears. 
Cool this fire on my skin.

Oh dear God, let it rain. 
Let me breathe again.


Monday, September 15, 2014

TIP OF THE DAY ― Feeding New Moms

The best gift you can give a 'new mom' or a sick friend/loved one is ... a beautifully prepared meal or food. One of my close friends had a baby this weekend -- congrats to the *Moore family*! It's been almost 10 years since I've had my own newborn, but you never forget that transition and how you barely have a moment to pee or clean, let alone feed yourself! Well, the best gifts I got with all my babies' births were the kind that I could eat and not have to work hard for; the ones that gave me energy to get through those very hectic days and weeks! I remember the Meyers, my next-door neighbors, coming over with a basketful of goodies. The gift and memories stayed with me and will remain with me forever. I have learned from the Meyers to extend the same gift to all my friends and loved ones. Now that's a gift that will last a lifetime!

― LRAEBROWN © 2012

Sunday, September 14, 2014

ON BEING A WOMAN ― Sometimes

Sometimes, I don't feel like giving it "My All."
Sometimes, I don't feel like "Bringing It."
I'm not always at my "Best Game."
I'm not always the "Best Mother."
I'm not always the "Best Friend."
I'm not always the best "Me."
I'm human.
I've accepted that.
I've come to peace with my low points. 
I'm OK with not being perfect. 
I do know this ― after I get through an obstacle, I AM going to give it my all.

― LRAEBROWN © 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

ON BEING A WOMAN ― Survival Skills

Funny how often I get accused of not having the ability to subject myself to strong emotions; whatever that definition is to most people. It's not that I don't want to, it's that my volume is turned down, lower than most. And I'm very productive in resolving any human relationship problems, issues, hurdles when I'm aware of them.  Just because the world doesn't get to witness me fall apart, it doesn't give anyone the right to judge the fire in my heart. Just because I don't wear my heart on my sleeve or show you, you, and YOU my vulnerable side, it doesn't mean that I'm emotionally incompetent. It's just my own survival skills to help me remain graceful through adversity. 

I can love, give love, and be loved. I can show you all of this. As the circus master of life lessons pokes his stick at me to jump for his amusement, I can put my emotions aside and just observe while being taunted. I won't overreact, faint on the couch, get out of control, or perform for others. It's very rare for people to see me fall apart. I can hold the sweetest smile and maintain a graceful stance while turmoil erupts in my heart.  

 I have my own way of processing love.
― I have my own way of processing pain.
― I have my own way of processing challenges. 
― I have my own way of resolving problems. 

It's true, I have experienced loss in many forms. I've buried more friends and loved ones than anyone could handle in two lifetimes. I have been in every natural catastrophe known to man, whether physically or nearby. I know first hand what hunger, starvation and defeat feels like. I've witnessed human beings at their worst while living their own personal hell. While others are mourning, I'm the one being asked to pay the mortuary bill. While others are drinking and getting high to bury their pain, I'm the sober one making the funeral plans. While others were crying, I've had to walk in a room of nightmares without showing my own emotions or response. I am the one my loved ones trust to fall on when all hell breaks loose. It has been a horrible burden to carry. My family and friends trust and know they can depend on me at all times. I am the one who will drive through a tornado and be at their door by daylight to provide help and support. I am the backbone of my family. I've accepted this responsibility willingly. I've worn this uniform for way too long to change who I am. I know who I am and the role I've been assigned.

I ask that you just be there. Enjoy me, when the champagne, laughter and good times are flowing, but don't expect me to perform for your own emotional needs. Unless you're willing to invest your time and heart in my life, or wipe the tears from my face -- reserve your opinions to yourself. 

No one has walked in my shoes. 
No one has trudged the roads that I have, paved only by God himself.

― LRAEBROWN © 2013 


Whether the pain is temporary, 
inconsolable, or a burden of a lifetime, 
truth is, we are all hurting inside. Pain left 
unresolved is in all of us. We can't assume to know 
what pain others are going through or have been through, 
and we should not judge others for not having conquered
 their pains, if we have not walked their path ourselves. 

We don't need 
to be the judge, jury and executioner of 
people's past and pains. We continuously make mistakes 
when we try to judge others, based solely on 
the assumptions generated by our limited perceptions. 

When we do judge 
we invite problems that most likely result 
in the destruction of friendships and marriages. 
We invite more pain, not to mention creating a climate 
of uncertainty and tension, and the breakdown of our own spirit.
To judge and condemn is only the sole right of God. 
God, who has all the insight and understanding 
that comes from having a superior perspective, 
unavailable to our limited human senses. 

Because we are all humans, 
we are not perfect, yet we are God's beautiful
children. God loves all of his people, 
regardless of our imperfections.
Love others unconditionally. 
Love yourself. 
Love conquers all.
Let go of the judgments.
Let God do his work.


Friday, September 5, 2014

L RAE BROWN On Being A Woman ― Finding me

ON BEING A MOTHER ~ Finding me

I spent ten years living like I was a "Stepford Wife" -- Mrs. "stay at home mom" from the 1950s, while my husband worked and pursued his career, seven days a week. I did all the housework, dealt with all the house repair issues, balanced our finances, cooked, raised the children, dealt with the in-laws, all the errands that go with the lifestyle, all by myself, and I had no support. At no fault to my husband, I allowed myself to believe, since he was a good provider, he gave me all his income, and I wasn't contributing financially after I gave up my law career, that I owed it to him to do the rest. I nearly lost my mind with that type thinking.

Having worked so hard all my life to make something out of myself, becoming a self-sufficient woman, to giving it all up without fully understanding how it would turn out was my own fault. In the process I lost myself. I lost the person I knew so well before the wedding bells and kids. I lost my own identity.
I know it might sound strange coming from me, but I had no clue that I had the right to ask for an equally supportive spouse. Back then, both of us did not know that an equal partner in life existed, or what it meant. We only knew from the example our parents showed us. We were raised to believe that a woman should be dependent on a man, and for the men to take care of their women. 

The funny thing about pain: pain will make you get up off your ass and fight back. Pain can make you confront any fear or insecurities. My pain gave me the wakeup call I badly needed to find myself again. Yes, it was unfortunate I gave up 'the me' I'd worked so hard to become. My beliefs have changed through this life experience. What I’ve learned in the process was that I didn't want my old self. I wanted the person I was becoming, a better me.

The benefit of giving up who I was? I became a much smarter, more empathetic, caring and a knowledgeable ME!  My children challenge me daily to be a better person. Through them, I have connected the puzzles of the hardship I’ve endured in my lifetime. When I imagine the lives they could have had versus the lives they're going to have from the experiences I have gone through, I’ve realized that my life’s lessons are meant to help me guide my children. Not only do my children benefit now from my experience, I too have evolved substantially. My Pops use to say, “We are only as good as we know.” As I watch my children grow and blossom, I’ll be able to see the difference in their lives. What a priceless gift I’m able to give my children, on a daily basis, now and forever. 

When my children were very little, I used to ask myself what was the benefit of being a parent. My answer now is that our children can teach us how to be a better person. Children teach us to humble ourselves and that compassion and love goes a long way. My children have shown me that I am a better woman than I ever was. I don't look back anymore and miss the old me. Because of my children, the woman I am today is the one I respect and love.
I am grateful, to be a mother.

Monday, August 18, 2014


I'm done ...for the day. 
I've given it my best.
I've conquered what I set out to do for today.

Now, my bed is calling me.
I bid you a goodnight my friends. 

May you wake up tomorrow and have all your wishes come true and your problems vanish in thin air. May you sleep as peaceful as I will. May you wish the same for me as well. I bid you farewell my friends. We shall see each other again. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014


When I have faith in the subject I'm writing, my words connect easily to the reader. When I write from my heart, a genuine place in my soul, I find that I reach more people with my words.

Have faith in what your heart is telling you to write. Have faith in your talent.
All your dreams starts with you believing in what you do.


Saturday, August 16, 2014


Most of my young life I had to fly under the radar when I succeeded at something really big or accomplished an enormous goal for myself. It was always because someone in the family or in our circle might have had hurt feelings if anyone made a big deal about what I had accomplished. My mother thought it was some form of embarrassment to someone else's pride. Even when I was a kid, my mother was concerned for the other people that didn't do "IT". "If they don't know, they won't look at you as a competition," she’d say. This was my mother's culture. 

I've learned to take the 'behind the curtains recognition' on 99.9% of my personal accomplishment - I mean the real life accomplishments. 

When I attended Berkeley, my mother didn't want anyone outside the family to know because, at that time, a friend of hers had a kid 3 years older than me who had just dropped out of college. My mother didn't want her friend feeling embarrassed. To add salt to the wound, I was only seventeen years old when I was accepted. When I received my law degree, it was just me in some diner on Pike Place market with a bowl of clam chowder to celebrate. When I had chosen the man to marry, to be the father of my 3 children, aka, Mr. Big, I had to play it very low key in front of my step-sister. She had gotten pregnant out of wedlock the same year as my engagement. She didn't have the "big wedding" she wanted, so I had to accommodate her and my family, and not talk about my big Catholic wedding plans. When my first and second sons were born, they were the first male grand kids out of 34, from my husband's father’s side of the family. No one ever mentioned it, not even my mother-in-law. She didn't want to ruffle up feathers amongst the cousins.  By then I'd gotten used to flying and living life under the radar. I guess that's why I make a big deal about my kids’ accomplishments. I make damn sure they all know I'm making a big deal out of each one of them. I have a long list of stories that can fill ten books similar to these events. Now, I'm able to use it to my advantage. I’ve learned not to be bitter about my under appreciated accomplishments. I’ve learned not to allow people’s actions to steal my joy. That no matter how others might view my accomplishment and success in life, big or small, they still belong to me. My accomplishments, my deeds, my success in life were choices that I made to better myself. No one forced me. No one made the sacrifice to work towards them, but me. No one can ever take them away. 

Well, today I want to celebrate my size 2 jeans.      

I purchased them last week. 
I only mentioned it to three people, not wanting anyone else to feel bad. Yes, feel bad. Trained emotions and reaction. Truth be told, most women will wonder what you look like currently, since they last saw you six months or a year ago. Most women will wonder if the pretty face matches the body. But once you tell them you're in a size 2 jeans and a size 5 dress, they'll get really quiet on you. 

I am very proud of myself for losing all the weight and getting my body back in shape. Two years ago I was in a size 11/12 jeans. During my four years of pregnancy and my lactating years, like a cow, my weight rose as high as 180lbs when I was at the top of each of my pregnancy. I had never been that big and I was miserable. Today I am comfortably fitting in size 2 jeans. I haven't been able to fit in to a size 2 anything in two decades. 
So. Everyone gather 'round please.
Come on...
That means YOU.
Group hug time.
I love you guys! Thanks for sharing this moment with me. 
Hooray for me. I'm celebrating my will and courage today.

― LRAEBROWN © 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

COCONSPIRATORS IN LIFE - (an excerpt in the Novel, HEART ON FIRE by L Rae Brown, Vol 1)


Four hours plane ride from Los Angeles, Stevie’s sitting by the window in a three row seat as she stares at the left engine, mesmerized by the sound of the humming. A couple next to her in their late fifty-something, Kara & Tony, married twenty-two years, with two kids. During the four hour plane ride they watched a movie together on their iPad. Submerged themselves into five cheap gossip magazines. Tony being fully involved in Kara’s interest of the lives of the stars. The two puzzles they worked on together. Kara & Tony discussed twenty  different subjects. One of which was how they were going to talk a family member into doing something, something for them. It wasn't the “something” that held Stevie’s attention. It was the way they talked to each other about it. The way they plotted and planned with such delight in each other’s ideas. The way she looked at him with childish admiration when he gave and added to their plot. The uninterrupted gleam in Tony’s eyes as he watched Kara’s mouth move, when she spoke. The childish excitement between them, as if they were fifth graders plotting a snowball attack against the world.   
It was poetry.
It was music.
It was even slightly ridiculous.
It was like a symphony, listening to their back and forth discussions. 
It was magic.
He never corrected her. She never scolded him. There were no doubts from each others contribution in their plan. There was only respect, admirations and joy shared between the two of them. They were a team. As their plot thickens you can feel their love secure.

Tears started rolling down Stevie’s face, down to her neck, burning into her skin. The same song blasting in her headphones the last three hours, Adele -He won't go. Yet for the life of her she couldn't memorize the lyrics. Witnessing Tony and Kara’s love was a sting with so much of reality in a dose. Stevie never understood what was missing in all her relationships with her men. Three marriages, two funerals, one pending divorce and twenty-seven years of loving men, yet she never had the pleasure of experiencing the magic that Kara and Tony have. At that moment, four-hundred thousand feet off the ground, Stevie understood what she wanted. Not a man who would cower from her beauty. Dread her spirit. Fear her magic. Hate her for his own inferiority. Punish her for the love she possesess so naturally or starve her of love and hide her from the world. Stevie figured out what it was she always needed, not what she had always thought she wanted. Her wants always changed with each men in her life. What she really needed ...what she always ached for in love, she wanted a coconspirator. She needed a coconspirator this life. Someone who would plot the games of life with her; like Bonnie & Clyde, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. Through thick and thin and maybe some sins, but through it all ...together as coconspirators in life.  

Written by L Rae Brown
Copyright © 2012

Monday, February 17, 2014


Four hours plane ride from Los Angeles, Stevie’s sitting by the window in a three row seat as she stares at the left engine, mesmerized by the sound of the humming. A couple next to her in their late fifty-something, Kara & Tony, married twenty-two years, with two kids. During the four hour plane ride they watched a movie together on their iPad. Submerged themselves into five cheap gossip magazines. Tony being fully involved in Kara’s interest of the lives of the stars. The two puzzles they worked on together. Kara & Tony discussed twenty  different subjects. One of which was how they were going to talk a family member into doing something, something for them. It wasn't the “something” that held Stevie’s attention. It was the way they talked to each other about it. The way they plotted and planned with such delight in each other’s ideas. The way she looked at him with childish admiration when he gave and added to their plot. The uninterrupted gleam in Tony’s eyes as he watched Kara’s mouth move, when she spoke. The childish excitement between them, as if they were fifth graders plotting a snowball attack against the world.   
It was poetry.
It was music.
It was even slightly ridiculous.
It was like a symphony, listening to their back and forth discussions. 
It was magic.
He never corrected her. She never scolded him. There were no doubts from each others contribution in their plan. There was only respect, admirations and joy shared between the two of them. They were a team. As their plot thickens you can feel their love secure.

Tears started rolling down Stevie’s face, down to her neck, burning into her skin. The same song blasting in her headphones the last three hours, Adele -He won't go. Yet for the life of her she couldn't memorize the lyrics. Witnessing Tony and Kara’s love was a sting with so much of reality in a dose. Stevie never understood what was missing in all her relationships with her men. Three marriages, two funerals, one pending divorce and twenty-seven years of loving men, yet she never had the pleasure of experiencing the magic that Kara and Tony have. At that moment, four-hundred thousand feet off the ground, Stevie understood what she wanted. Not a man who would cower from her beauty. Dread her spirit. Fear her magic. Hate her for his own inferiority. Punish her for the love she possesess so naturally or starve her of love and hide her from the world. Stevie figured out what it was she always needed, not what she had always thought she wanted. Her wants always changed with each men in her life. What she really needed ...what she always ached for in love, she wanted a coconspirator. She needed a coconspirator this life. Someone who would plot the games of life with her; like Bonnie & Clyde, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. Through thick and thin and maybe some sins, but through it all ...together as coconspirators in life.  

Written by L Rae Brown © 2012

Monday, February 3, 2014

Motherhood, Bliss...on a Cold Monday.

Motherhood on a Monday (For Me) goes something like this:
Playing Lawyer (say it with a southern drawl), on a shitty case, up before the dawn breaks just to make it into a cold court room, with a herd of sheep. Did I mention it is F-ing cold outside? Three hours later I'm back on the train, putting some hours in my writing. Maybe two or three tearful poetry, cause I've got to put some fire back into my soul, that was drained from that courtroom. 

By 3pm, my oldest kid gets home with a whopper black-eye from a snowball fight. By 3:30pm, my other two of the three walks in. One needs a haircut (in the worst way) and a project for his history class is due in two days. The other needs a new dress for her Daddy and daughter dance. "Mom what's for dinner" they all ask simultaneously, while my other brain taps me on the shoulder (Oh shit, the dog’s vet appointment was today, you’ve missed it again). 
With a smile I whisper, I missed you guys. 
Did you have a good day? 
They all tell me their day, all at once. 
I nod and I smile, like only a mother of 3 children can.

As my 3 magnum opus rush all around the house, to knock out their daily grind: 
Piano practices. 
Electric Guitar practices.
Put the dishes away in the dishwasher. 
Trash can duty. 
Argue with each other. 
Argue (some more) with each other.

Mom! One yells out from the bathroom, "We're out of toilet paper btw" and can you please wash my favorite gym outfit? Taylor chimes in, “Oh yeah Mommy, you promised my teacher you’d make 55 cupcakes for tomorrow.” Then all of a sudden I find myself in this store called Game stop. “How in the hell did I get here?” - (I ask my other brain) - I have 55 cupcakes to make for tomorrow and the batter is on my kitchen table. Wtf!

There was 5 other things I needed to do, before the night is over, what were they? I’m sure I have it written down somewhere. Then I look in my inbox message - it tells me I have 48 unread messages for today...are you kidding me? 

Motherhood, Bliss...on a Cold Monday.

© 2014


There's something un-apologetically powerful, when a man can turn pain, into something beautiful. There's something un-apologetically humbling, when a man adores and loves a woman, without the need to give up his throne. Even when her honest words can cut like a sword, he is mighty and strong to melt them into steel bolts, then commands them to be life's lessons to build their castle on. There's something un-apologetically beautiful, when a King and Queen can love each other, even with all their faults. For they care not what each other have done wrong, but only for the love they share. And with that love, they will move Heaven and Hell to raise each others potentials, in this unkind world.

© 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

HEART ON FIRE by L Rae Brown

Through my life, my pains & challenges in this world we call life.
I want someone to look at me & say
"Because of You, I didn't give up."

This is my story. 

© 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Sometimes I don't feel like giving it my all. 
Sometimes, I don't feel like bringing it. 
Sometimes I'm not always at my best game. 
Sometimes I'm not always the best mother. 
Sometimes I'm not always the best friend. 
Sometimes I'm not always the best, of me.
I'm human.
I've accepted that.
I've come to peace with my low points. 
I'm OK with not being perfect. 
I do know this - after I get through an obstacle, I'm going to give it my all.

― LRAEBROWN © 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014


Your Life is not about YOU. Your Life is about what you can do for others. You can bang your head as long as you want - thinking it's about "you". When you finally decide to do for others first - then you (and not before) will learn and receive what you truly want & deserve in your Life. 

I don't mean let yourself get used and abused by others, so don't get that twisted.     If you can look at a situation (any situation) and automatically be able to ask yourself "how can this benefit others" - rather than "how can this benefit ME" - You have made a leap to your destiny. 
© 2014

I truly believe that we all possess a gift, a talent, original to any ones. Why should You, We or I, play small to anyones desire or belief? You & I, we are a gift to this world, to the people in our lives. Don't doubt it, not even for a minute. 
Own that. 
Know it. 
Make your gift your legacy. 
© 2014

Your playing small NEVER serves anyone! 
If it does, then that's something you need to look at...who would be better served by a "less than" you?
Powerful people grounded in love do not need you to be small. Ever.
I truly believe that we all possess a gift, a talent, original to any ones. 
Why should You, we or I, play small to anyones desire or belief? 
You & I, we are a gift to this world, to the people in our lives. 
Don't doubt it, not even for a minute. 
Own that. 
Know it. 
Make your gift your legacy. 
© 2014

© 2014

My own pain, my own tears, allows me to appreciate those who loves me and shows me love, even more.
© 2014

My favorite 4 words "Because I said so!"
© 2014

The truth is in all of us.
The truth is, the result of our current life. 
It's hard for most of us to swallow, but the truth is, 
hard to swallow.
If we're not satisfied with the results 
of our past and present life,
only we have the power, 
to rewrite the story, of our life.
© 2013

The Ups delivery guy
The Fed Ex delivery woman
and my postal delivery man, comes to my door at the same time.
My 3 kids are home for their winter break, listening in.

The Ups delivery guy, hands me his tablet that I need to sign. Out loud, he says, "I think this is an iPod". The Fed Ex delivery woman says, "hey, I think this package is an iPod too!" They both have a short laugh. I'm looking at both of them with an annoyed facial expression that says, "REALLY?!". 

My postal man was standing behind the two, he proceeds to step forward. He hands me a box and says, "I don't know who's getting this package but I know it has coal inside." 

© 2013


"You can't get a peace of mind from the outside in. 
Peacefulness is from the inside out." 
© 2013

Driving back from a meeting in Chicago this morning, I had this thought.
With all my projects, goals, desires and everything that sets my Heart On Fire. I commend the man who's going to be by my side. Who ever you are, just know, for that simple fact alone, that you're right there by me, through all of this. I'm going to love and respect you, with everything I have - and everything I never knew, I could give to a man.
© 2013

Do not poke at the Lioness, if you can't handle her growl.
© 2013

Commenting on a Post, is giving your opinion. 
Reading the post and the entire thread, is participating in a dialog. Taking a step back and analyzing the POST, the dialog and your comment(s) before you reply, is called; "Social Etiquette" & COMMON SENSE.
© 2013

© 2013

This is not a test. This is not a practice. 
This is what you have to do, to be you.
© 2013

look around you - look at your "posse" - your "friends" - your "click" 
Are you blowing smoke up each others butt? 
If you don't know, you better know. 
© 2013

If we, want to find peace, in our mind, in the people we surround ourselves daily, we have to be brave enough to soften what has become so rough and insecure about our characters. We have to be good to our heart and let it feel the beauty that it's meant to experience. We have to take the responsibility to be good to ourselves, before we can be good for anyone else. 
© 2014

Pay Attention - who you take your advice from. Who you listen to. Pay attention to what goes into your heart and mind. Make sure it's not an imitation of someone's false unpracticed beliefs. Make sure they've conquered their own demons and has already turned their pains into a blessing. Know the difference and be good to yourself. 
© 2014

"Don't be afraid.
Most of them are going to try to judge you, no matter what you do. Hold my hand, I'll take that walk with you. I'll be there with you, to remind you and me - that you are bigger than your fears." 
© 2014

"Often we fear the feeling of pain.
Yet when it arrives and leaves - we are left a stronger person."
© 2014

Us adults were once a teenager: Why is it we forget to give our teenagers - other people's teenagers - the same understanding we once needed, from adults?
© 2014

Worrying about something that hasn't happened yet, is like praying for the worst to happen. Remember that.
© 2014

The music that you play everyday in your head, is the music your life dance to. 
© 2014