Friday, October 30, 2015

The Dream Is Free. The Hustle Is Sold Separately.


Dear Girlfriend,

If you have a special talent—you're an artist, a writer, an inventor—or whatever it may be that sets your heart on fire, and you can't seem to focus or make your ideas come together because you're currently raising your small child or children and you're constantly over stimulated and distracted, due to your maternal instinct on-switch always blaring...hang in there.

If (currently) your main focus is on being a mother, a superhero, the constant savior, cook, housekeeper, bill payer, fix-it-all-at-any-time problem solver, character builder of the little people you've brought into this world (as it should be), giver of a million kisses, the constant care taker of their hearts and spirit, and everything else comes second to any and all of those things...know this, it will get better. Your focus will get better. You'll get better and so will your talent.

As your children get older, they'll get a little bit more independent. It starts at around twelve years old. They start seeking out their own independence―their own talent, be it additional activities at school or after school, sports, clubs, hobbies, friends, or even just alone time on their own (locked up in their room). The hours you'll have for yourself will get longer. And those are the times you need to hone in on your skills. Those are the hours you need to read, practice, practice some more, learn, and as time, months, years pass on you will not have missed anything, because you were busy working on your talent while still being the Supermom for your children. So, for right now, while they're still completely reliant on your 24/7 attention, just breathe. It'll be okay. Just don't give up on your dreams.

I'm still there myself. My youngest of three is two months shy from turning eleven as I write this. And even now I notice the difference in my writing, my skills. My focus and thought process are getting better. One day soon, I'll look up and realize it's time to spread my wings and fly. But I'll be taking off running like a racehorse. In the meantime, I'm busy learning, preparing, and planning.
I hope you're doing the same. 


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